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Is Climate Change Real?

“Debunk the Myth!

Every time we read or hear about Climate Change, we wonder whether it is actually affecting us.  Whether we believe it or not, the scientific evidences of rapid Climate Change and Global Warming are compelling. If we do not ACT NOW, sooner or later, we will all be in the grip of this global crisis.

The Living Planet Report 2020 states that the global living planet has tremendously declined between the years 1970 to 2016, showing an average decrease of 68% in the population of birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and mammals! Yes, you read it right, 68%! 
But you may now ask “I am living happily, eating whatever I want, buying whatever I need, and going where ever I like, So how does this matter to me?”

Well, It matters because biodiversity is fundamental to human life on Earth, and the evidence is clear – it is being destroyed by us at a rate unprecedented in history. Climate change and Global Warming are not only affecting the average temperature of our planet, but are also responsible for shifts in wildlife population and depletion of their habitats.

Read the latest issue of Wisdom Nuggets as it highlights the key importance of how climate change is really affecting our lives and how we can take care of our planet, our home.  

Do you know that many people still believe that Climate Change is a “future problem”?
Let’s clear up this myth and get our facts right! Climate change is no more a future problem and this should no longer be used as an excuse to push the burden onto the future generation.

We’re already seeing the devastating effects of
climate change on global food supplies, increasing migration, conflict, disease and global instability,
and this will only get worse if we don’t act now. In fact, we are perhaps the last generation that can do something about it.

Get Inspired and watch this video with a powerful message and some hope on what we can do to save our planet.

Get creative and link the environmental education with your favorite subject in the curriculum!

  1. Language – Senior – Here is  an extract from Oscar winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s speech at the UN (2016). Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Junior– Make a list of terms/words related to climate change and explain them visually. Display it for other to learn from.

2. Social Studies – Senior – “Our country is mainly agrarian, and so shifts in climate and change in weather patterns will have adverse impact on the majority of the population with traditional methods of livelihood threatened.” Justify the above statement in about 150 words. Cite examples from current events wherever applicable.
Junior – On the map of India, mark the regions/states affected by climate change.

3. Math – Reports on Climate Change during these unprecedented times have shown our planet to heal through cut down in emissions. On a graph, plot the decadal change in emissions since 1940, with % emission of greenhouse gases on Y-axis and time on X-axis.

4. Science – The Paris agreement was adopted by 185 nations, including India. It requires governments to present national plans to reduce emissions to limit global temperature rise to well below 2C (3.6F).
India has committed that by 2030, at least 40% of its electricity will be generated from non-fossil sources. This includes 175GW renewable energy capacity by 2022. List down the main sources of renewable sources in our country and their present usable energy generation capacity.

India has committed that by 2030, at least 40% of its electricity will be generated from non-fossil sources. This includes 175GW renewable energy capacity by 2022. List down the main sources of renewable sources in our country and their present usable energy generation capacity.

“We must put nature at the heart of all our decisions, whether that’s everyday decisions about the way we live our lives or big decisions about the way we govern ourselves and do business” – David Attenborough.

In every moment we have a choice. Here are some easy actions you can take up and become a climate warrior today:

1. Reduce your Personal Impact – By changing our lifestyles, we can reduce our personal impact on the climate crisis and influence those around us. Learn about your environmental footprint to see which changes in your life will make the biggest difference.

2. Choose Healthy and sustainable food options – Food production is one of the key drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss. We need to start eating ingredients that don’t destroy precious rainforests and the wildlife that lives there. Have a look at these sustanaible recipes and get inspired.

3. Fight for the world on a personal level – The way we live, the food we eat and the thing we buy, it’s all a matter of choice. Read these guides for tips on how to live a more planet friendly lifestyle..

In this edition’s DIY Activity, let’s understand the phenomenon of climate change by performing this simple activity at home.  Watch this video and create a similar video of performing the activity under your parent’s supervision.

Share your activity videos on Facebook and don’t forget to tag us! Use these hashtags to get featured: #WisdomNuggetsDIYActivity #WWFIndia #OnePlanet Academy

Let’s take this pop quiz and test your knowledge about Climate Change and it’s consequences.
