We are two weeks into the New Year, but it’s never too late to set resolutions! Take a look at these New Year resolutions inspired by backyard wildlife. What green resolutions would you like to set for 2023?

One way to turn your green intentions into impact is to volunteer for tasks or projects that match your skills and interests. The WWF Volunteers Program celebrates the eighth anniversary of its launch on 14 January. As a WWF Volunteer, you’ll be a planet ninja who makes a real-world impact. But what does it take to be a nimble planet ninja? Leap into this edition of Nature Nuggets to explore the skills and strategies you’ll need to join the brigade of planet champions!

Keep an open mind: Being a volunteer gives you a fantastic opportunity to learn! You’ll get to do things you’ve never done before. You could work with people who have a lot of experience in the field and with people from diverse communities. You may also work alongside other young people like you who care deeply about the same cause. Make sure to look and listen to learn new skills and absorb new ideas and perspectives. You may learn something new about yourself too!
Use your strengths: Volunteer for tasks and projects where you can apply your skills and talents and work with minimal guidance.
You could make a valuable contribution!
Be proactive: Think for yourself and get things done! Remember-you’re a planet ninja!
Do you have a special skill that could be useful in solving an environmental problem? You could volunteer to train the local community.

Build relationships: Use common ground to build connections and forge working relationships with fellow volunteers and people in the community. Remember-collaboration and teamwork can turn the impossible, possible!
Are you a people person? You could volunteer to help other young people learn about nature!
Be a creative problem-solver: While working as a volunteer, you may encounter new challenges and need to think on your feet. Think creatively to solve problems on your own. And if in a jam, you can always count on your newfound community of fellow volunteers for support!
Ready to test your planet ninja skills? Sign up as a volunteer here and take action for the planet.
Do you have good observation skills? You could collect valuable data as a citizen scientist

Common Name: Ribbed mussel
Scientific Name: Geukensia demissa
Have you ever volunteered for a beach clean-up? You have an ally in mussels! These aquatic species are filter feeders that consume bacteria, algae, and other tiny organic particles from water. Wastewater and runoff that pollute rivers and coastal waters contain an excess of nutrients, which encourages the growth of bacteria and algae. This can be bad news for aquatic ecosystems. By consuming these organisms, mussels help keep the water clean and take up the excess nutrients.
Ribbed mussels are not consumed by people, making them good candidates for use in cleaning up dirty water. The mussels can be harvested and used for making fertiliser or as feed for some animals. This helps return nutrients to the land. Watch this video to see what a difference mussels can make to water quality!
Time to check your Nature Quotient!

Congratulations to everyone who guessed it right!
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