Do you want to help create a more sustainable world for everyone? It may seem impossible to do alone, but all our efforts put together can make a huge difference. And we can start with just one hour! Read on to find out about the Biggest Hour for Earth.

Every year, on the last Saturday in March, people around the world turn off their lights for one hour in a global movement known as Earth Hour. But how does this one hour influence our planet’s future? With the millions of participants who unite in this show of solidarity, Earth Hour highlights the challenges of climate change and nature loss, sparks conversations, makes decision-makers take notice, and inspires millions to act. This creates a domino effect of impact that lasts beyond the event.
This year, Earth Hour is being celebrated on Saturday, 25 March, at 8.30 p.m. You can join in creating the Biggest Hour for Earth by doing two things—switching off your lights, and spending the hour engaged in positive action for the planet. Explore fun and meaningful ways you could give an hour for the planet in this special edition of Nature Nuggets!

Indoor activities you can do
Dine by candlelight: Invite your family and friends for a special candlelit dinner. Serve a meal that is planet-friendly and talk about what makes it so.
Trade, don’t trash: Get together with your friends to exchange books, clothes, toys, and other things that are in good condition but that you do not need or use any more. This helps keep useful things out of the garbage.
Generate greenovations: A greenovation is an innovative action plan or invention that helps to solve a real-world environmental problem. An example is turning the energy from people’s footsteps into electricity! Put on your thinking hats to come up with your wildest greenovation! Share a diagram or plan on social media with the hashtag #BiggestHourForEarth.
Stage a shadow show: Use candlelight or a torch and make shadow animals with your hands to tell a nature story.
Pledge for the planet: Share the importance of Earth Hour with your friends and neighbours and persuade ten families to sign a pledge committing to switching off their lights at 8.30 p.m. on 25 March. Share a photograph of the signed pledge on social media with the hashtag #BiggestHourForEarth.
Outdoor activities you can do
Spot the stars: With many landmarks and buildings going dark for Earth Hour, you may see stars in the sky more easily! With an adult’s help, spend an hour stargazing and spot constellations from your rooftop terrace or a nearby open space.
Take a night nature walk: With an adult, walk around your neighbourhood or in a nearby park with a pair of binoculars and a torch. Carefully observe trees and bushes. You might spot owls, bats, and other interesting animals you don’t usually see during the day! (Remember—Always go with an adult and stay on the path at all times. Use the torch only when you need to, or the light might disturb the animals.)
Compete to clean up: Form teams with your neighbours or schoolmates. Organise a competitive garbage clean-up and segregation drive in your neighbourhood or around your school. The team that picks up and correctly segregates the most trash before the hour runs out wins!
You could also sign up for one of the many events for Earth Hour and join the ranks of global planet champions!

Common Name: Firefly
Scientific Name: Several species under Family Lampyridae
On warm summer evenings, you might see tiny flashes of light in the greenery of lush parks or city forests. Fireflies, also called lightning bugs, are beetles that produce light, or bioluminescence, through a chemical reaction in a special organ on their abdomen. They use flashes of light to signal to and find mates. There are around 2,000 species of fireflies worldwide, and each species produces a unique pattern of flashes!
Some species of fireflies are found in parts of India, such as the northeast, Kerala, and Maharashtra. Fireflies at Anamalai Tiger Reserve have been known to synchronize their flashing in a dazzling display.
It is believed that firefly populations are declining because of pesticide use, habitat loss, and light pollution. Artificial light can interfere with how fireflies flash and signal to each other. As we turn off the lights for Earth Hour this year, let’s pledge to act to keep our world twinkling with fireflies for years to come.
Time to check your Nature Quotient!

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