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Act before our green and heathy Earth become a fantasy.

Idea Packs for Educators

Idea Bite 1: Make a chart on what can be done with old computers instead of dumping them in a heap.
Fun link 1: https://www.nwf.org/~/media/PDFs/Eco-schools/KQED-ewaste.ashx
Idea Bite 2: Write a letter to the adults of the world with the top five things they should do to preserve the Earth for you.
Fun link 2: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/homework-help/article/write-a-letter-that-gets-results
Idea Bite 3: Create a Wall of Hope in your home with pictures of nature, people, and positive developments for the environment.
Fun link 3: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-happened-when-we-all-stopped-narrated-by-jane-goodall